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Agenda | 2021

Please find approved presentations linked next to each presentation below
Opening of Conference

Welcome from Switzerland & Sweden

Mr. Alexandre Pauchard, CEO, CSEM (5min)

H.E. Jan Knutsson, Ambassador of Sweden to Switzerland & Lichtenstein (3min) 

H.E. François Voeffray Peyro, Ambassador of Switzerland to Sweden (3min)

Ms. Annalise Eggimann, CEO, Innosuisse (5min) 

Mr. Fredrik Hörstedt, Head of International Cooperation, Vinnova (5min)

Introduction to SWII

Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative
Ms. Maja Zoric, Trade & Invest Commissioner, Business Sweden (4min) 

Introduction to co-funding opportunties

EUREKA-Eurostars: Boost innovation across borders
Mr. Janique Siffert, Programme Manager, Innosuisse 

Welcome Key Note

From Powder towards Customer Values
Olha Sereda, Section Head Additive Manufacturing & Component Reliability, CSEM

Synopsis: Further developing additive manufacturing solutions is prioritized at CSEM for industrial collaborations. The primary focus is on the fine detailed resolution and precision metal manufacturing.

End-users & MNE Presentations á 10 min

Additive Manufacturing and Industry Decarbonization
Dr. Vladimir Navrotsky, Vice President Technology and Innovation, Siemens Energy, Industrial Application Service and Tobias Müller Project Manager, Operation and Maintenance, E.ON Energy Projects GmbH

Synopsis: This presentation will focus on impact of additive manufacturing on factories carbon footprint reduction and AM components design and manufacturing to enable further emissions reduction as a part of the Sustainability and Decarbonization Program. The achieved results in AM workshop setup, digitalization, design, and AM components implementation and currently accumulated field experience will be presented and discussed. The importance and examples of collaboration between OEM and Industry operators will be shown as well.


The Role of Additive Manufacturing in Bringing High Precision Surgical Planning to the Surgeon and into the Operating Room
Katleen Libberecht, Senior Consultant Hand Surgeon, Hand Surgery Department Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Synopsis: The latest emerging technological advancements in virtual surgical planning and 3D printing allow for highly accurate and patient-specific visualization and planning of skeletal corrections in injured limbs and inborn deformities. The aim of our project is to make this technology available and accessible for hand and orthopedic surgeons. The currently available tools are not dedicated for surgery in the limbs and are not adapted for use in the hospital environment by surgeons and clinical engineers. We are looking for enthusiastic partners willing to develop the software and hardware we feel is needed to achieve our goal.

AM for Engine Mount Design to Enhance Functionality and Decrease Impact On the Environment
Inko Marcaide, Technology Development Leader, Open Innovation Arena, Volvo Cars

Synopsis: Would it be realistic to aim for a 40% reduced CO2 footprint, light-weighting the system by 30% and promote part consolidation while embracing functions of an automotive part subject to NVH, stiffness, crash and durability demands currently made of HPDC? Volvo Cars in interested in exploring the innovation opportunities, where we move from HDPC parts into AM, improving the system performance, simplifying the supply chain and being more neutral to the environment of mount brackets connecting the electric engine to the chassis while fulfilling all the different attributes. External partnerships are sought within life cycle analysis evaluations, material characterization and design. 

The Role of AM and Composites for Low Emission Flight
Andreas Borg, Manager Digital Factory and Composite Technologies, GKN Aerospace Engine Systems, Global Technology Center Engines

Synopsis: The Aerospace Sector needs to lower its environmental Impact. Lighter Engine designs and less energy consuming production processes are key technologies as well as new propulsion systems that includes non fossil fuels and electric propulsion. The role of lightweigth materials and clever AM material solutions is important also in this transformation. + The next innovation projects in aerospace sector will push the frontier on materials and material combinations in a quality driven production with high level of digitalization and decision support. This is particularily true for AM and Composite Engine Parts.

Ensuring robust AM production Based On the Full AM Process Chain - A Post Processing Point of View
James Shipley, Manager – Business Development, Quintus Technologies AB

Synopsis: There are many different AM technologies being developed today, and these developments often focus on the material properties achieved in the actual printing process itself rather than those achieved by the whole process chain. Post processing is often an afterthought, however OEMs are now reverse engineering, including thermal heat treatments and other post processing steps. This presentation will focus on possibilities with modern thermal post processing to guarantee quality and how this can affect product design.

Networking coffee break
End-users & MNE presentations continue

Democratization of Composites: Lightweight Sustainable Battery Housing for BEVs Of the Next Generation
Luca Mazzarella, Business Development Manager New Mobility, Strategic Development, Autoneum Management AG

Synopsis: Different material layouts for battery housing components in battery electric vehicles for future BEV architectures are proposed. The development for alternatives solutions includes different production volume scenarios, manufacturing locations, system performance requirements, vehicle, and battery pack architectures, which are all areas within which Autoneum welcomes collaborations.


Industrial Additive Manufacturing for High Precision
Csilla Miko, Head of Powder Engineering Group, Swatch Group Research & Development

Synopsis: Binder Jetting is a supportless powder bed AM process with lots of potential for efficient high resolution manufacturing. Swatch Group provides high level competencies in debinding-sintering combined with post process for aesthetics. Swatch plans to bring the current TRL to real industrial level satisfying watch making criteria. Swatch seeks powder manufacturer for tailor made powders and competences in furnaces for batch sintering.

Implementation of Sustainable Technologies in Light Weight Composite Solutions
Frank Johänning, Strategic Growth Manager, Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials

Synopsis: The increasing demand for more sustainability in light weight solutions challenges the traditional way of designing and manufacturing composite solutions. Recycled materials fulfil certain sustainability goals but require the development of new and different ways of design and processing. Many challenges can be met through the close co-operation between the stakeholder responsible for material, design and processing. Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials is looking for partners, who are willing to develop performance-based material and process specifications to solve lightweight challenges in environments that require scalability and reuse of materials.

Additive Manufacturing Capabilities for Collaboration & Technology Transfers
Nicolas Bouduban, CEO, m4m Center & Paul A Davies, Technical Solutions Manager, Sandvik Additive Manufacturing

Synopsis: Collaboration is key for fostering a better technology adoption. Sandvik and m4m Center work together in leveraging their additive manufacturing capabilities for new development projects. This presentation will give examples from the medical industry, showing the importance of collaboration between both companies, to provide optimized solutions.


Today's and Future Challenges in Space Industry
Deborah Müller, Director of Innovation & Business Development, RUAG International

Synopsis: Main trends within the space sector, in nowadays landscape and future prospects. Building up a strong collaborative ecosystem from supply chain management throughout the entire value chain, up to post-service at customer level. What are the future challenges to overcome in and for Space?

Germany as guest partner presentations á 10min

Material Qualification in Additive Manufacturing
Mikkel Pedersen, Head of R&D Additive Manufacturing, Oerlikon AM

Synopsis: One of the main challenges Oerlikon supports customers with is how to qualify AM process and materials. This presentation will elaborate on how Oerlikon addresses the challenge: How a test and qualification program for series manufacturing covering material, machine, process, part & part family could look like for AM. Further development is ongoing in a SPC project to address machine issues and find solutions based on requirements from new standards - a definite area where Oerlikon invites for collaboration within and across industries.


Powder Based Additive Manufacturing - Application oriented research from Powder to Components
Thomas Weißgärber, Head of IFAM Dresden, Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden

Synopsis: Additive manufacturing methods can potentially lead to completely new production chains and products. For metallic components, powder based methods allow much greater freedom of design and the use of a very wide range of materials. The available state-of-the art equipment in our Innovation Center for Additive Manufacturing and our longstanding know-how of materials and powder metallurgy provides an excellent basis for customer oriented development projects for the implementation of AM technologies in industrial production.

Elevator Pitches

Switzerland's, Germany's and Sweden's most innovative start-up & SMEs in the fields of additive manufacturing & lightweight technologies give 3 min elevator pitches 

Nematic 3D Printing – Bringing Performance & Precision to Polymer AM
Dr. Raphael Heeb, CEO & Co-Founder, NematX AG

Synopsis: The wider dissemination of industrial AM will largely depend on the ability to reach both, performance and precision levels of established manufacturing technologies. At present, 3D printed polymer parts still show inferior product quality compared to traditionally manufactured counterparts, which prevents their application in demanding industries. At NematX, we are pioneering the use of liquid crystal polymers for AM to fully utilize the lightweight potential of polymers and to offer fully recyclable, end-use parts for the harshest application environments.

Swiss-knife for the factory floor - Flexible, Scalable AM Solutions to Capture Productivity Gains on the Manufacturing Floor
Dr. Sven Thate, Managing Director, Bigrep GmbH

Synopsis: Our large-format AM solutions based on FDM/FFF technology combine industrial 3D printing hardware with a wide range of materials to enable various applications including rapid prototyping, production of production tooling, but also production of small series of end-use or spare-parts. Proprietary software and controls enable high productivity and easy-to-use systems to accelerate innovation on the one hand and production on the other hand. Iterate fast, produce faster, go to market fastest.


Quality and Speed - Large-scale AM for Critical Metal Components
Dr. Petter Haqvist, CTO, Procada AB

Synopsis: Procada has developed an AM technology that allows building large scale metal components with static and dynamic properties similar to forgings. The technology is mature and proven in production for aerospace applications. Procada provides the process control and system solutions required for building critical parts at rates of several kilograms per hour. We are now looking for new partnerships and applications that leverage our technology to bring unprecedented opportunities in production and repair of high-value components.


A Game Changer for the Composites Manufacturing Industry
Bo Gauffin, Business Development Manager, Percy Roc AB

Synopsis: Microwave heating allows a much more effective heating process, cutting lead times and increasing efficiency while also ensuring maximum quality. Percy Roc’s curing process is monitored using infrared (IR) technology, which means that the heating is regulated in real time so that materials can be heated fast and homogeneously with microwaves. The result is that we can cure composite materials much faster, with highly reduced energy consumption and without the large ovens as autoclaves or high pressure chambers that are normally used today. This is further a greentech process to replace existing CO2 generating technology. We are looking for collaborations in different manufacturing areas such as manufacturing carbon fiber composites to implement our solution into new production process.


High-Performance Composites for Serial Parts Through Additive Manufacturing
Arne Büttner, Sales Manager, 9T Labs AG

Synopsis: Nowadays, the comparably high costs associated with carbon fiber composite parts to its aluminum or steel contenders remain a constraining factor. A higher degree of freedom to optimize the part geometry and the fiber layup in combination with increased automation in manufacturing will reduce the current constraint. 3D printing is believed to deliver on those demands for manufacturing. 9T Labs’ radical all-in-one Red Series technology provides a fully integrated solution, starting from CAD design to final part, which belongs to the commonly called additive manufacturing 2.0 movement.

Improving FDM/FFF Mechanical Properties of PEEK with Thermal Radiation
Christoph Koslowski, Business Development - Medical Applications, Orion Additive Manufacturing GmbH

Synopsis: FFF of high-performance polymers like PEEK can replace titanium and aluminum in aerospace and medical applications, however, 3D printing these materials with uniform strength comparable to injection molding is challenging. Orion AM’s thermal radiation technology addresses these challenges and is capable of producing parts with injection molded strength, thus paving the way for end-use applications where lightweight structures are required.


Thermoplastic Composite Materials for Additive Manufacturing
Jacques Stadlin, Customer Project Engineer, Suprem SA

Synopsis: Suprem SA develops and manufactures continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic materials for additive manufacturing. Suprem is looking for partners for applying and verifying the materials in new contexts. Potential applications include 3D printing of industrial machine spare parts, aerospace, and medical components. Opportunities are also identified for reinforcement of pressure tanks/vessels (H2, …) and electromotors.

MetalJet & Nanotube, the X-ray Tubes for High-speed, High-resolution 3D Inspection
Dr. Simona Laza, Research project manager, Excillum AB 

Synopsis: Excillum AB designs, develops and manufactures world’s brightest microfocus X-ray tube, and smallest nanofocus X-ray tube, today available for applications such as imaging (NDT, CT, XRM, phase contrast), diffraction/scattering (pXRD, SAXS) and spectroscopy (XRF, XPS). Excillum AB is looking for innovation partnership with players from AM value chain and OEMs for development of new/improved solutions dedicated to AM industry.


Microengineered Hybrid Fibres - Transforming the Production of Lightweight Structures
Dr. Christoph Schneeberger, Executive lead & co-founder, Antefil Composite

Synopsis: Today’s greatest challenge in realizing energy-efficient structures from continuous fibre-reinforced plastics lies in the capacity to manufacture high quality parts quickly and cost-effectively. Antefil's microengineered hybrid fibres constitute a perfectly hybridized feedstock which reduces part production time and cost by completely circumventing impregnation and curing steps in the entire value chain. Antefil is currently offering exclusive partnerships for sample testing and pilot projects.

AI Scales AM to Volume Production
Peter Jain, Managing Director Sales, Freemelt & Stefan Lagerkvist, COO, Viking Analytics

Synopsis: Freemelt & Viking Analytics are jointly innovating the AM equipment and pushing the boarders in production quality and efficiency, with a high level of data driven solutions and automated decision support. The collaboration is welcoming additional partners, who can benefit from developing own materials and volume production with the help of additive manufacturing and who are interested in setting joint requirements and results.

Towards Autonomous Repair of Composites
Amaël Cohades, CEO, CompPair Technologies SA

Synopsis: Answering problems of durability and sustainability, CompPair drastically reduces maintenance costs, improves recycling of composite parts while keeping standard specifications. CompPair products are preimpregnated textiles integrating a novel chemistry to produce healable and sustainable composites, extending their lifetime, and improving circularity.


Industrial Polishing of AM Details
Anders Jönsson, CTO & Co-Founder, Nova Innovation Solutions AB

Synopsis: Post Processing of AM-details for improved surface quality is often requested. Nova offers a process that is capable of both reaching internal structures and selectively polish sensitive surfaces. The process is integrated with a robotized polishing system providing a sustainable, repeatable, and available process for the AM industry. Nova seeks partners with a competence in AM in order to develop the process further.

Autonomous Design - Reach the Highest Possible Efficiency in AM Structural Design
Niklaus Arn, CEO & Co-Founder spherene AG

Synopsis: "Autonomous Design" is the next generation of Design Software after Generative Design or Topology Optimisation. Instead of manually engineered design optimisations, it uses the power of algorithms to generate a component with the highest possible efficiency (lightest / strongest / cheapest) - according to any requirements you may have. spherene has developed the software and is seeking Use Cases from the AM or traditional industry to prove spherene can add value to their products.

Networking Lunch
Academia presentations á 10 min

Powder Based Metal Additive Manufacturing: Possibilities and Challenges 
Eduard Hryha, Professor in Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing, Chalmers University of Technology/Centre for Metal Additive Manufacturing - Metal (CAM2)

Synopsis: Significant development in the area of powder based metal additive manufacturing during last decade resulted in significant expansion of the material portfolio, development of robust  AM processes for number of materials and hence resulting in successful industrial application of the technology for the high-value components. Further expansion of AM into other industrial sectors faces number of challenges when it comes to the AM materials (cost, materials for structural application, electrification, etc.). AM process robustness and productivity, design for AM, quality assurance, etc. Hence, this talk aims to shortly describe state-of-the-art and challenges of the powder-based metal AM to pave the way for the broader industrial utilization of metal AM. 


Material Challenges in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Christian Leinenbach, Head of Advanced Processing & Additive Manufacturing of Metals, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology 

Synopsis: Metal additive manufacturing (MAM) has become a competitive manufacturing technology with applications in many industry sectors, e.g. aerospace, biomedical engineering, power generation. The special conditions during MAM processes such as powder bed fusion or directed energy deposition with the very rapid heating and cooling cycles and the short consolidation times allow for the fabrication of alloys and composites that are otherwise difficult or impossible to fabricate. This presentation shows key material challenges in MAM as well as Empa's activities with regard to the design and optimization of alloys for laser-based MAM technologies. In addition, new approaches for the in-situ detection of defects as well as for using MAM to fabricate parts with locally tailored microstructures and novel functionalities will be presented.

Value by AM – Implementation and Design of Advanced AM Applications
Mirko Meboldt, Professor and Chair in Product Development and Engineering Design, ETH Zurich

Synopsis: New technologies in manufacturing offer great opportunities to improve the overall production process as well as to increase the product’s value for the customer. At the same time they impose a couple of challenges in the development.  Additive manufacturing (AM) makes it possible to reinvent the design of parts and products in different application fields. This allows to create new business models with digital process chains. However, to leverage the design freedom offered by additive manufacturing, a lot of expert knowledge is necessary and the design of complex-​shaped parts can often be an effortful process, especially for novice CAD users but also for experienced designers. Therefore, it requires the application of design automation as an enabler for additive manufacturing.


Computational Design for Additive Manufactruing
Dr. Tino Stankovic, Senior Scientist Engineering Design & Computing, ETH Zurich

Synposis: With the progressing availability of advanced fabrication methods, lightweight structures with architected properties become more and more important for many applications in fields such as aerospace, automotive, and biomedical. However, finding genuine novelty in structures is inherently difficult due to the numerous possible topological and geometrical configurations and their complex mechanical and physical interrelations. The presentation will present the ability to search the design space of different types of structures using advanced computational methods in order to excel their design, involving lightweight lattice structures, metamaterial based personalized implants, as well as origami structures that fold into almost any shape following a motion of paper folding. The presentation will also discuss challenges linked with design for additive manufacturing.

Sustainable Plastics & Composites: Develop the Next Generation of Lightweight Parts Together with IWK
Professor Dr. Gion A. Barandun, Head of Composites Department, IWK Institute for Materials Technology and Plastics Processing, Eastern Switzerland's University of Applied Sciences

Synopsis: The IWK is a research institute of Eastern Switzerland's University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil and supports its partner along the whole value-added chain in the development of new solutions in the plastics industry. One focus is on sustainable plastics and composites, using bio-based materials and/or recycled products. The opportunities and possibilities of working together with the IWK and its excellent infrastructure are illustrated on the basis of some current project examples. IWK is involved in several projects dealing with the development of sustainable/bio-based or recycled materials, in all fields of plastics processing & composites. In this context, we also support our partners in the development of innovative/new processing routes, especially suited for new materials. IWK is looking for partners mainly from industry to support the transition to more sustainable materials/processes and circular economy with plastics. As IWK covers different special fields, the institute is able to provide expertise along the whole value-added chain.


Smart Manufacturing of Lightweight Components for Energy Efficient Applications
Mohamed Loukil, Associate Professor, Linköping University

Synopsis: Linköping University invites to collaboration within two areas: 1) Smart manufacturing of lightweight composite structures for energy efficient applications. 2) Tailored materials and microstructures for metal additive manufacturing (AM) which are to enable robust and predictable properties of AM components.

One-to-one matchmaking meetings

All meetings are booked in advance in the online system HERE

After conference networking

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se