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Innovation Initiative 

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Thank you for a successful Additive Manufacturing & Lightweight Technologies networking conference!

SWII Additive Manufacturing & Lightweight Technologies networking conference gathered 127 Swedish & Swiss participants at Empa in Dübendorf, September 25, 2018. 
  • 175 one-to-one meetings were carried out during the afternoon of the conference
  • Among participants
    • 20+ of Sweden & Switzerland's most innovative SMEs
    • 16 MNEs like Höganäs, Sandvik, ABB, Siemens, EOS, Uddeholm & RUAG
    • Key notes from academia like Linköping University, Chalmers, Empa & EPFL

Subtopics within Additive Manufacturing & Lightweight Technologies that are of interest for joint innovation projects:

a) Geometry and design optimization
Structural orientation, surface texture, design methods for additive manufacturing & lightweight technologies (guidelines, standards, software support), design for x (sustainability, manufacturing, lightweight, robustness...)
b) Digitization and business model development
Value chain optimization, competence transfer, process productivity optimization (digitalization, process simulation, geometry simulation, path planning), spare parts and repair
c) Manufacturing and post process development
Tooling, tailored microstructures, hybrid processes, process/quality control/monitoring and verification, automation, post-manufacturing treatment, joining, set-up and process time minimization, support material reduction, safety
d) Metal powder development for additive manufacturing & lightweight technologies
Alloys for powder manufacturing, materials characterization and properties, standardization, amorphous metals
e) Non-Metallic additive manufacturing & lightweight technologies
Ceramics (glass, crystals...), polymers, bio-materials, reinforcements
f) Composites and other material for lightweight technologies
g) Thin film

WHEN: September 25, 2018

In connection with the SWII-Conference, Sweden and Switzerland jointly announced a bilateral EUREKA Call, providing support and funding for successful joint innovation projects.



Supported by

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se