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March 13, 2025 
Swiss Nordic Bio
Read more here.

September (TBC) 2025,
Innovation Initiative 

More information coming soon.

Additive Manufacturing - SWII is an exclusive industrial R&D partnering program with available funding for market oriented R&D projects via Eureka and Eurostars.

In October 2012, Switzerland and Sweden launched the industrial R&D partnering program Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (SWII). The objective is to increase number of industrial R&D partnerships and the number of joint R&D projects between our countries. Results with SWII since 2013 are: 33 R&D consortia & projects to a value of 38 million Euros. Altogether, projects include 113 Swiss and Swedish project partners, there among 53 SME companies.

The next industrial R&D partnering program focuses on Additive Manufacturing. Among our industrial partners, who are interested in R&D partnering, you can find Swiss and Swedish MNE:s, like RUAG, Saab, Sandvik, MAN and Höganäs, as well as the most technology intensive SMEs, like Exmet, ABCD Technologies, 3D Metprint and Swissto 12, and academia partners like ETH Zurich and EPFL.

Project funding is available via Eureka and Eurostars, www.eurekanetwork.org

Following sub topics within Additive Manufacturing are prioritised:

1. Metal powder development for additive manufacturing
- Powder manufacturing alloys, materials characterization, standardization

2. Pre-process, process and post process development
- Design and tooling, tailored microstructures, process/quality control, post processing

3. Geometry and design optimization
- Density, structure and surface texture, design methods including rules, standards, software support, sustainable design, and software design for integration into current production lines

WHEN: 28 September, 2017

WHERE: EPFL Microcity, Rue de la Maladiere 71b, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

For more information, please contact 
Ulrika Hallström
+43 699 123 515 30

Maja Zoric
+43 664 23515 23 

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se