Innovative Manufacturing Networking Conference 2013

Thank you for a successful Innovative Manufacturing Networking Conference!

The high-profile one-day conference in Dübendorf at the EMPA Academy, on September 25, gathered 115 participants from over 83 Swiss & Swedish organizations.

  • 149 scheduled one-to-one meetings took place during the afternoon of the conference!
  • 37 SMEs & start-ups
  • 11 MNEs such as Scania, Volvo Cars, Sandvik, Saab, Hexagon, RUAG, ABB, Alstom, Franke Industries & Sulzer Metco
  • 19 academia & research institute organizations such as ETHZ, SUPSI, EMPA Chalmers & KTH


To view all participants click here.
You can now download presentations. In the conference agenda you will find the download links.


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SERI - State Secretary Dell'Ambrogio Swedish Embassy - Ambassador Thresson

Mauro Dell'Ambrogio, State Secretary Swiss State
Secretariat for Eductation, Research and Innovation

Per Thöresson,
H.E. Ambassador of Sweden                                   



Swissmem - Hess SERI - EUREKA - John-Grant

Hans Hess,
President Swiss MEM                                      

Colette John-Grant, Swiss State Secretariat for
Education, Research and Innovation



115 participants Coffee break mingle 2

The day gathered 115 Swiss and Swedish participants         

Networking during a coffee break                                        


MNE - Alstom Switzerland AG SME - Nanograde

Rainer Ludorf, VP Industrial Policy & Technology,
Alstom Switzerland AG

Samuel Halim, CEO,
Nanograde AG                                                   



 MNE - Scania SME - Opiflex

Dr. Sven Hjelm, Research and external contacts, 
Global industrial Engineering, Scania CV                       

Johan Frisk, CEO,
Opiflex Automation AB                                                 



Business Sweden - Nilzn Academia - KTH MNE - SAAB SME - Bruhnspace

Hampus Nilzén,
Business Sweden



Prof. Dr. Bengt Lindberg,
Dean Industrial Engineering
and Management, Royal
Institute of Technology, KTH


Dr. Bengt Savén, Director
Business Development,
SAAB Aeronautics    



Fredrik Bruhn, CEO,



Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10