8th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2014

The Nordic countries in cooperation with Swiss partners plan the 8th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar on February 12 2014. This exclusive investment and partnering conference gathers biotech and pharmaceutical companies as well as investors, primarily from the Nordic countries and Switzerland.

For more information on the 8th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2014 visit www.ssbbs2014.com

On February 12 2013, around 120 participants gathered for the 7th edition of the Swiss-Scandinavian Bio Business Seminar in Zurich. The day started with a prominent panel discussion of Swiss-Scandinavian financing comparison in the botech industry followed by 16 company presentations.

The day ended with over 200 one-to-one matchmaking meetings.

Swiss and Scandinavian EUREKA/Eurostars representatives also participated. The high-level panel discussed different funding opportunities for R&D companies, like EUREKA funding, venture capital or even out-licensing.

For more information, please visit the 7th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2013 website www.ssbbs2013.com



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Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +48 532 401 657
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se