EUREKA Presentation at Sweden Boat at MEDICA
Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (SWII) invites to a presentation about funding opportunities for Swiss-Swedish industrial, close-to-market R&D projects.
In conjunction with Business Sweden’s “Västeuropaseminarium” presenting a panel discussion with hospital purchasers from Sweden, Germany, Netherlands and United Kindom.
November 15 2012 at 18:00, Sweden Boat MEDICA Düsseldorf
Do you search for funding for your market oriented industrial R&D project? Are you interested in finding an industrial partner in Sweden/Switzerland?
- Although being small countries, Switzerland and Sweden are two of the most important global players in the creation of solution-driven products and techniques in the life science sector.
- Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative invites to a presentation about available Swiss-Swedish funding opportunities for joint market oriented Swiss-Swedish R&D co-operations within the EUREKA framework.
- Meet Tomas Aronsson, EUREKA National Project Coordinator, VINNOVA who will inform about SWII and funding opportunities
- Meet people from the Medtech and Biotech industries
- Find possible market oriented R&D project partners
- Mingle, drinks and snacks
When: November 15 at 18:00
Where: Sweden Boat, next to the MEDICA fair, dock no. 5
Registration: Please RSVP by email to until November 9, 2012
Partnering: Please make sure to register for the EEN Healthcare Brokerage event at Medica by November 2:
Information about the Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative:
Business Sweden
Ms. Maja Zoric, Consultant
Splügenstrasse 12 CH-8002 Zurich
Direct phone: +43 1 402 35 15 23
Cell: +43 664 235 15 23
Swiss Swedish Innovation Initiative - Invitation MEDICA100.05 KB12/11/2012, 09:59
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