Upcoming events

March 13, 2025 
Swiss Nordic Bio
Read more here.

September (TBC) 2025,
Innovation Initiative 

More information coming soon.

Innovative Smart Systems Networking Conference

Thank you for a successful Innovative Smart Systems Networking Conference!

The high-profile one-day conference in Neuchâtel at the CSEM on April 1, gathered 96  participants from over 74 Swiss & Swedish organizations.

  • 164 scheduled one-to-one meetings took place during the afternoon of the conference!

Partcicpants included:

  • 28 SMEs & start-ups
  • 15 MNEs such as Volvo Construction, Sandvik, IBM, Saab, EM Microelectronic/Marin - A company of the Swatch Group, Eaton Group, Group E, Phonak Communication, ESCATEC Switzerland, RUAG, Pilatus and Meggitt Sensing Systems
  • 19 academia & research institute organizations such as CSEM, EPFL, ETHZ, EMPA, Chalmers & Luleå University of Technology

To view all participants click here.
You can now download presentations. In the conference agenda you will find the download links.


Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se